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Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy

Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy
In 2017, inspired by the properties of the Nobel Prize winning discovery of fullerene molecule and understanding the biology of life, our scientists have developed and patented the unique Hyperlight Optics. Bioptron Hyperlight Devices apply light deep into the body, imposing its energetic properties on the disturbed biomolecule In 2017, inspired by the properties of the Nobel Prize winning discovery of fullerene molecule and understanding the biology of life, our scientists have developed and patented the unique Hyperlight Optics. Bioptron Hyperlight Devices apply light deep into the body, imposing its energetic properties on the disturbed biomolecule.
BIOPTRON AG continuously invests in sophisticated research and new product development necessary to achieve optimal clinical effectiveness of light therapy treatments. In 2017, inspired by the properties of the Nobel Prize winning discovery of fullerene molecule and understanding the biology of life, our scientists have developed and patented the unique Hyperlight Optics. Bioptron Hyperlight Devices apply light deep into the body, imposing its energetic properties on the disturbed biomolecule.
As a pioneer, Bioptron has deeply studied the biostimulative effects of the Hyperlight therapy in immune system. Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy already has a very extensive literature on the effect on molecules that are regulated by the polarized light, reinforcing the immune system, increasing the capacity to fight against disease and accelerating the recovery. Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy stimulates the production of specific cytokines (small molecules acting as messengers between immune cells) that activate the cellular immunity, increasing the anti-viral and the anti-bacterial defense of the human body. Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy also normalizes other blood indexes (leukocytes count, level of inflammatory markers and immunoglobulins) which contribute to maintaining a strong and efficient immune system. Thanks to the breakthrough technique used in the analysis of gene expression, other very recent peer-reviewed publications have described the cellular mechanism triggered by Bioptron Hyperlight responsible for the already observed immunomodulation.
In 2019 a study showed the genetic changes modulated in immune cells induced by Bioptron devices, responsible for decreasing inflammation. The scientists treated a type of immune cells called monocyte/macrophages which are very important in the management of inflammation, since they regulate some gene expression and present specific molecules on their surface to regulate the inflammatory process. The presence of specific molecules on the surface of monocyte/macrophages will trigger different phases of the inflammatory process. The researchers have described that the treatment of monocytes with Bioptron Hyperlight decreases the expression of those molecules, thus decreasing the inflammatory response.
The authors described changes in the expression of 6 genes. Two of them are more expressed, and are related to anti-inflammatory actions. The other 4 are less expressed, and they are responsible for mediation of the inflammatory response. In conclusion, the modification of the expression of these genes has a synergic effect to achieve a massive anti-inflammatory action at different stages of the mechanism.
In leukocytes and other cells, Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy models DNA synthesis to adapt the immune response to an antigenic stimulus. Some cellular mechanisms of immune cells are enhanced, like antibody production and phagocytic activity of monocytes and granulocytes (capacity to ingest and destroy particles, as viruses, bacteria or tumor cells). The immune cells responsible to orchestrate a coordinated and effective anti-viral and anti-bacterial response are more active and structurally modified to give a precise defense.
For the first time, we have the evidence of the change in the gene expression in response to Bioptron Hyperlight exposure, explaining on a molecular level how the immunomodulation is achieved.
The positive immunomodulatory effects in the body achieved with Bioptron Hyperlight therapy are extended to other medical indications, for example, during post-surgery period, especially in situations where the immune system is affected and unable to protect the organism adequately. Bioptron Hyperlight therapy has successfully been used as a conjunctive therapy to effectively strengthen the immune system and support the fight against diseases, promoting in parallel the regeneration of the tissues.
BIOPTRON AG collaborates with the worldwide recognize scientist to explore deeply the genetic, molecular and cellular changes induced by Bioptron Hyperlight that foster the complex process of tissue regeneration. Currently, Bioptron has a successful collaboration with Neurix, the only company in Switzerland authorized to work with embryonic stem cells (cells able to differentiate into any embryonic cell type). Neurix and Bioptron AG are performing cutting-edge research in the genetic changes induced by Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy in fibroblasts and embryoid bodies. Fibroblasts are the most common cells of tissue in animals, it synthesizes the collagen and it is very important for the tissue structure, playing a critical role in wound healing. Embryoid bodies are three-dimensional aggregates of stem cells and constitute the gold standard to study the early phases of embryo development cell differentiation and proliferation.
The study of the effect of Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy in these two cell lines it is an incredible progress in the comprehension of tissue regeneration. For the first time, scientific community will understand better the genetic changes induced by Bioptron Hyperlight, and how they influence the molecular and cellular processes that will be pivotal to increase and improve tissue regeneration. The project is ongoing but the preliminary results are very promising. Bioptron Hyperlight affects gene expression in fibroblasts treated for 10 minutes every day for 12 days. Some of the concerned gene are upregulated (increases its expression) and other ones are downregulated (decreases its expression). Those genes appear to affect a broad range of cellular mechanisms including reconstruction of extracellular matrix (the non-cellular component of the tissues, which provides physical scaffolding for the cellular constituents and allows crucial biochemical and biomechanical cues for tissue morphogenesis), cell adhesion & motility, inflammation, psoriasis and wound healing.
And not surprisingly, Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy has proven already its beneficial effect in those processes. But change in gene expression may not reflect variation in the protein expression (the protein they are coding for), which is key to induce any biological effect. In that project BIOPTRON AG goes beyond and analyzes the protein level related to these genes. Interestingly, the variations in protein levels follow the same tendency than the expression of their related genes. These observations tend to confirm the anti-inflammatory effect of Bioptron Hyperlight and the stimulation of wound repair. Nevertheless, scientific research is still being performed in collaboration with Neurix to confirm and increase our knowledge of these genetic and cellular changes.
In embryoid bodies, some genes expression is also altered by Bioptron Hyperlight. The preliminary results point out that the selected genes act on cell proliferation, cell differentiation or healing and repair mechanisms.
The biostimulative effects of Bioptron Hyperlight Treatment are supported by hundreds of publications, result of three decades of research, aiming to understand the biological processes triggered by Bioptron devices. BIOPTRON AG’s team of engineers, scientists, doctors and other specialists are constantly engaged to increase awareness and make available the unique Bioptron Hyperlight Treatment to everyone, to achieve excellent clinically proven performance for multiple diseases.

Easy to use. Painless. Time-effective. Economical. No known side effects. Suitable for everybody.

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